Quantum confined emiters

Materials that confine electrons and holes in at least one dimension to quantum length scales exhibit unique quantum properties. This confinement can strongly modify both the optical and electronic properties of materials and produce strong quantum behavior. Notable examples include quantum wells, quantum dots, and atomically thin layered materials. We study the interactions of quantum confined materials with nanophotonic devices to create new sources of quantum light, novel opto-electronic devices operating at the fundamental energy limit, and efficient lasers and light emitting devices.
Relevant publications:
"Resonant Interactions between a Mollow Triplet Sideband and a Strongly Coupled Cavity," Hyochul Kim, Thomas C. Shen, Kaushik Roy-Choudhury, Glenn S. Solomon, and Edo Waks, Physical Review Letters 113, 027403 (2014)
Low-Photon-Number Optical Switching with a Single Quantum Dot Coupled to a Photonic Crystal Cavity," Ranojoy Bose, Deepak Sridharan, Hyochul Kim, Glenn S. Solomon, and Edo Waks, Physical Review Letters 108, 227402 (2012)