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Edo Waks


Edo's photo with grey hair

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(301) 405-5022

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Recent News

  • Slide announcing the launch of the NSF's second Convergence Accelerator cohort

    UMD to Lead $1M NSF Project to Develop a Quantum Network

    September 29, 2020

    The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $1 million to a multi-institutional team led by JQI Fellow Edo Waks, who is also a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Maryland (UMD) and associate director of the Quantum Technology Center (QTC); JQI Fellow Norbert Linke, who is also an assistant professor of physics at UMD and a QTC Fellow; Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (MAX) Executive Director Tripti Sinha; and co-PI’s Dirk Englund of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Saikat Guha of the University of Arizona, to help develop quantum interconnects for ion trap quantum computers, which are currently some of the most scalable quantum computers available.

  • Photo of topological resonator

    Sabyasachi's work on topological resonator appeared in PRB editor's suggestion.

    May 13, 2020

    Topological physics has introduced a modern design principle in optics, providing build-in protection to specific types of disorder. This work demonstrates how such principles could be used to create a topological resonator in nanophotonic crystals so as to enable chiral light-matter interaction in the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics.