Edo Waks

Contact Information
- Email:
- edowaks@umd.edu
- Office Phone:
- (301) 405-5022
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Research Groups
Recent Publications
A strongly interacting photonic quantum walk using single atom beam splitters
, , Phys. Rev. Research, 6, 13, (2024)Cavity-Enhanced Single-Photon Emission from a Single Impurity-Bound Exciton in ZnSe
, , ACS Photonics, 11, 1103–1108, (2024)Efficient, Indistinguishable Telecom C-Band Photons using a Tapered Nanobeam Waveguide
, , ACS Photonics, 11, 2738–2744, (2024)
Recent News
UMD to Lead $1M NSF Project to Develop a Quantum Network
September 29, 2020Sabyasachi's work on topological resonator appeared in PRB editor's suggestion.
May 13, 2020Topological physics has introduced a modern design principle in optics, providing build-in protection to specific types of disorder. This work demonstrates how such principles could be used to create a topological resonator in nanophotonic crystals so as to enable chiral light-matter interaction in the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics.